Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Report Cards

This past Monday, October 22nd, the Wisconsin Department of Instruction released the 2011-2012 School Report Cards. Here is the link to read report cards for schools in Wisconsin.

These reports allow schools and districts to look at the details in which they can improve what is going on in their buildings.  Whether it's student achievement, closing the gaps, or college and career readiness, schools have a very detailed road map for improvement.

More importantly, these Report Cards allow us to recognize all of the fantastic and wonderful things that are occurring here at OMS.

We have dedicated teachers that commit themselves to student success.

We have amazing support staff that make our building "run."

We have hard working students who know that diligent commitment will pay off in the end.

These report cards give us a lot of information.  But there is one thing they tell us that I already knew.

We have a pretty great school.

If you get an opportunity please congratulate our staff, students, and families on being part of such a great place.

Mr. K